Do THIS If No One Is Seeing Your Content

Marketing For The Tribe #016

We live in a content-driven world.

Content is how brands promote today.

It’s also the cheapest way to start marketing your stuff.

Opening up a social media account is basically free.

You’re one account away to start communicating with the world….

In theory.

The reality is slightly different. At least for new creators.

Tell me if this looks familiar.

You’re putting out content, but it seems like no one is seeing it.

It’s extremely frustrating.


SEO tricks that don’t really work.

‘Engagement tactics’ that get you nowhere.

All to increase the number of views, claps, likes, follows…whatever.

It’s hard work. And for what?

Whatever you do, nothing seems to be working.

Does what I just said look familiar?

Are you tired of all of that?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Because in this post, I’m going to tell you EXACTLY what to do to help you with that.

Let’s begin

My name is Nick Tribe and I’m a DJ, marketer, and entrepreneur.

I’ve spent the last few years studying from the most successful marketers & entrepreneurs worldwide.

I’ve read countless books, attended countless courses, and devoured countless pieces of information on marketing and entrepreneurship.

I’m now building a marketing company that starts, grows, and monetize brands leveraging AI, direct response marketing, and sales funnels.

Join me and follow along as I learn, apply, and share marketing insights to build my million-dollar business.

I know you are reading subconsciously looking for the magic algo trick that gets you viral overnight.

But I’m not going to give you any quick fixes or overnight success strategies.


Instead, I’m just going to tell you to do something that might seem counterintuitive.

But I guarantee it’s going to help tremendously.


Here it is.

Make. More. Content.

Now, I know what you’re thinking.

“What?! More content? But no one even sees the content I’m already making!”

I know. I know. I get it.

But bear with me.

The reason why I’m telling you to make more content isn’t that I’m some kind of motivational speaker.

It’s because it’s a strategic move that will pay off in the long run.

Let me explain.

You see, the thing about content creation is that it’s a lot like building a wall.

You start with one brick, then another, then another.

And at first, it doesn’t seem like you’re making much progress.

But as you keep adding more bricks, the wall gets taller and taller until, eventually, it’s impossible to ignore.

The same is true with content creation.

Every blog post, video, or podcast you produce is like a brick in the wall you are building.

And even if it feels like no one is noticing your content right now, every piece of content you create is crucial to building an audience.

If you’re still skeptical, read on.

Consider this.

When you think about building a wall, what comes to mind?

Perhaps you think of a massive construction project with lots of sweaty workers in hard hats.

But when it comes down to it, building a wall is rather simple.

How do you do it?

One brick at a time.

And the same goes for content creation.

If you want to build a wall of content that gets noticed, all you have to do is putting together a bunch of bricks.

The reason why is actually simple, yet often forgotten.

The perception of your content changes dramatically the more content you put out there.

Read that sentence again.

Now, think about it.

Let’s say you want to create content around the topic of sales.

If you write a blog post on sales, it’s okay.

If you write two, cool.

But if you’re just starting out…no one sees them. No one cares. Right?

Well…kind of.

Because something happens after you’ve written a bunch of them.

After 30 posts, you’re not just an aspiring content creator.

You’re someone that has written 30 articles (!) on sales.

If someone sees that 31st article and then checks out your profile, the perception of your content and brand will be different.

The chances of him thinking that you know your stuff when it comes to the sales increase.

After all, you’ve written 30 posts about it. You must know something at least.


Now, think about 100 posts. Or 200. Or even more.

No matter the type of content.

No matter the medium.

The following sentence is true.

Content efficacy compounds itself overtime.

This process keeps growing itself, giving you an unfair edge over people that stop producing simply because you kept showing up.

That’s the main point.

Every piece of content you are posting is serving some purpose, even if it ‘s not reaching anyone right now.

You are building the foundations of your wall.

Brick by brick.

Piece of content by piece of content.

The more content you produce, the more opportunities you have to showcase your expertise, your creations, your stuff in general.

The more content you produce, the more people you can reach.

And as your content reaches more people, your reputation grows until you become known as the go-to source for information on your chosen topic.

Of course, you can’t create a wall of expertise overnight.

It takes time, effort, and consistent output.

Just like building a physical wall, you need to keep laying brick after brick until you’ve created something that’s truly impressive.

So if no one is seeing your content right now…

Keep posting.

Don’t get discouraged.

You’re building your foundations.

You’re building your wall.

Write blog posts, create videos, record podcasts — whatever medium you’re most comfortable with.

But don’t stop at one or two pieces of content.

Make more content.

Keep creating, week after week, month after month, until you’ve built a wall of expertise, content, creative etc. that people can’t help but notice.

And remember, the more content you produce, the more opportunities you have to showcase your knowledge and expertise.

So don’t be afraid to dive deep into your chosen topic and explore every aspect of it.

The more you share, the more valuable your content will likely be to others.

So here’s the conclusion.

I want to stress the point that you’re basically building a wall.

And creating a wall of content that gets noticed is all about starting small and building gradually, brick by brick.

It takes time, effort, and consistent output.

But if you’re willing to put in the work, the rewards can be truly impressive.

So start creating, keep building, and watch as your wall of expertise grows higher and higher.

Before you know it, people will be looking at your massive wall and asking how you did it.

And the answer will be simple.

Brick by brick.

Hope this brought value to you.

Talk soon,
